Friday 13 January 2012

Acne Skin Care Basics

Many people wind up suffering with acne in some period within their lifespan. In some cases it's just a minor outbreak when they're young, but for others, they deal with it their entire life. The typical lifespan of acne outbreaks is between the age of 13 and 20-30 yrs. old. Hormonal changes in one's body, typically starting with puberty, is what usually triggers an outbreak, by releasing oils that are within your pores. This causes the swelling of the pores, which are known as pimples. There are numerous acne skin care solutions and various treatments you can try. Many treatments are very successful at treating and preventing future outbreaks.
The marketplace is full of products that promise to eliminate acne completely. Some of these products are great, however many are not, and in fact, may contribute to even MORE symptoms of acne. With all the various websites that contain acne skin care reviews, you can't be sure which ones are truly honest. Here are a few testimonials from real people that have actually used some of the more popular acne skin care products.
One of the most popular acne skin care products nowadays is the Vita K solutions. It does not only prevent and help treat acne problems. It also fades away the scars that acne leaves around the face. If you possess the practice of picking your pimple, be sure to apply Vita-K. It smoothens your skin within fourteen days. It is not greasy whatsoever and it is an easy task to apply. It's affordable at around $10. However, this is suitable for those that have only mild to severe acne.
If you want a natural way to treat acne, lemon is definitely recommended. You can put a small amount of lemon juice on a cotton ball and apply it on your face or other areas where acne are found. Leave it there for 10 minutes and then wash it with clean water. It is, of course, cheap and results are seen as early as within two washes of using it. The cons are that it can sting at first and too much of lemon juice will dry out your face.
Just about everyone knows Proactiv solutions. Great results appear in a short time and the ingredients are high-quality. However, for some consumers, Proactiv do not seem to work for them. Others still say that it works throughout the 1st year, but the effectiveness of the product later diminished. The company suggest to experiment on the amount to be applied to suit the skin type. Another negative is the expensive price of the product. You can also find effective acne treatment products which cost lower. The product also tends to dry your skin.
These acne skin care reviews are just some of the comments shared by real consumers. There are still many products out there that treat acne. But before considering any treatment for acne, be sure to consult your doctor so that you will know the right treatment for your skin type and acne severity so that the effectiveness of the acne treatment will be maximized. Don't forget also to have enough sleep, plenty of water, healthy diet and exercise to keep your skin healthy. Also keep away from triggering factors such as steroids, stress, and dirt


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